Hi, everyone!
In order to get ready for the new term of our school year, let's take a moment to review some of the lessons we have had. Simply follow the directions for each of the sections below that include grammar, punctuation, idioms, literary devices, and some writing. We will review vocabulary later in the week! Part One. Grammar Fun Directions: Please select the correct choice in each of the miscellaneous sentences below. Enjoy! 1. Early this morning, I went (to, two, too) the bank to make a deposit. 2. (Their, They're, There) is my friend Janna, who is standing by the fence. 3. I don't know (who, whom) you are talking about! 4. Please bring two papers for Brian and (I, me). 5. Reynoldo could not believe his brother was able to throw the football farther than (he, him). 6. (Who, Whom) posted this page on the website? 7. Do you know when (their, they're, there) coming to visit? 8. Did you (buy, by) all the groceries you needed? 9. Annie's daughter is (for, fore, four) years old now. 10. (By, Buy) the way, when do you plan on being back in class? 11. (Their, They're, There) house has just been painted a beautiful shade of blue. 12. His GPS instructed him to go much (farther, further) than he should have. 13. My friends and (I, me) will be joining you at the supper tonight. 14. Have you ever taken a cruise (to, two, too) Hawaii? 15. Do you need to (so, sew) that rip in your sweater? 16. How long will it (be, bee) before you are able to go on vacation again? 17. It's sometimes better to say "maybe" before you say "yes" or ("know," "no"). 18. Did you (know, no) the answer to that last question? 19. We will be staying in a wonderful little (in, inn) that has a beautiful view of the city. 20. I hope you did this last question correctly, (to, two, too). Part Two. Parts of Speech Directions: Please select the correct part of speech that answers the question most accurately. Example: Tom and I will be heading to the concert tonight. Question: Is "Tom" a noun, pronoun, or verb? _____Answer: noun________________________________ 1. I will be walking to school tomorrow. Question: Is "to" a noun, pronoun, or preposition? _____________________________________________ 2. John and Cyndi will bring food to the party. Question: Is "food" used as a verb, direct object, or preposition? __________________________________ 3. This test is easy! Question: Is "is" a noun, verb, or adjective? ___________________________________________________ 4. The sky is beautiful! Question: Is "beautiful" a noun, verb or adjective? _____________________________________________ 5. Joan, my sister, will be having another party in February. Question: Are the words "my sister" a preposition, direct object, or appositive? Part Three Punctuation Directions: Please answer Yes or No to indicate whether the punctuation marks are used correctly in the following sentences. 1. Grammar is very interesting, Yes No 2. This book is great! Yes No 3. Where did you go last night. Yes No 4. Is this your younger sister? Yes No 5. I am working on my paper now. Yes No 6. I was born in Boston, MA. Yes No Note: For this sentence, we are looking at the comma. Part Four Literary Devices Directions: Please answer True or False to show your understanding of whether the literary terms are used correctly in the following sentences. 1. "I have looked everywhere for my keys" is an example of hyperbole. True False 2. "The hot tea seemed to hiss angrily at me" is an example of personification. True False 3. "Sandy sold silver sparkly stones at the seashore stand" is an example of alliteration. True False 4. If I am afraid of the water, yet I become a lifeguard, this is an example of irony. True False 5. If a basketball goes "swish" through the hoop, I have just used onomatopoeia. True False Part Five More Literary Devices Directions: Please fill in the blanks below using one of the literary terms from the Word Bank. first person persuasive metaphor simile third person rhetorical question protagonist antagonist conflict climax anecdote biography autobiography dialogue 1. "Crissy is as sweet as sugar" is an example of ___________________________________________. 2. When I write a story using the pronouns I, me, my, or our, for instance, I am using ______________________ _________________________________________ point of view. 3. Every type of writing has to be ________________________________ in some form because the object is for us to agree with a particular point of view. 4. The problem every fictional story has to have is also called the ________________________________. 5. When we read the words that a character speaks in a story, which are often shown within quotation marks, the words we read are an example of ______________________________________. 6. The ___________________________________ of a story is the person or force that goes against the main character and tries to stop them from getting what they want. 7. The ____________________________________ is another name for the main character in a story. 8. "Ted is a fish when he jumps in the pool" is an example of a __________________________, which is a direct comparison between two things that would otherwise not be alike at all! 9. When I tell you a story about what happened during a morning traffic jam, I am telling what is known as an ______________________. 10. The point of view in a story in which the narrator is not part of the story and talks about events as though he is watching them from the outside is called ________________________ __________________________ point of view. 11. When your friend says, "Can you believe how long I've had to wait," this is an example of a __________________ ________________________________________ because your friend is not really looking for a response; he is only trying to express an emotion! 12. The highest point of action in a story is the _____________________________; it is that moment when we cannot wait to see what will happen next, and it is thought of as the most exciting part of a story. 13. When I write the story of my life, I am writing an ______________________________________. 14. But if you write one about me, your book will be called a _______________________________. Part Six Writing Directions: Please continue the story I have started below. Be sure to maintain the verb tenses, point of view, and parallel sentence structure. To expand the story, please write at least two more paragraphs! For us, this means we are going to write ten more sentences in all. Be sure to separate your paragraphs according to the main idea; if you find yourself writing about one thing for a bit and then you start to go in a different direction, this is when you need to separate into a new paragraph! Good luck! Danny and Jay had worked hard on a construction project and were ready to take a break. They decided to sit at a nearby park to cool off and enjoy some foods from a hot dog stand. But before they could even take a bite from their lunches, Jay noticed someone he had not seen in years walking towards him. It was his old friend Mike, and he did not look happy to see him at all! Part Seven Writing II Argument Writing Directions: Please continue this argument essay, defending your point of view with at least three reasons (your evidence) that support your claim. We will continue this when I return to school! Everyone has a voice that should be heard.
Directions: Please select the best choice in each example below!
1. If I am worried about the blight of icy roads during morning traffic, I will probably a. ice skate to work instead b. drive slowly to avoid slipping c. move to Hawaii immediately d. use a scooter and go as fast as I can 2. When I contrive a plan to teach a new unit in writing, I will a. prepare work in geometry, especially with Astou in mind b. write it out without any thought of how it will work c. ask Dejan for help with acronyms, including SCALE and NASCAR d. think carefully about what I want my students to learn 3. If a person is accused of plagiarism, he a. will receive an award for creating an original story b. will be honored at one of our Winter Wonderland parties at SCALE this week c. may be sued by the person whose words he pretended were his own d. will be hired by a national magazine because of his investigative talent in journalism 4. When someone tells you it's not nice to gloat, they mean a. you shouldn't make others feel bad about not achieving what you did b. you should not float and garble words at the same time c. you are doing a great job in learning a new language d. you are the best at what you do, and you should be sure everyone knows it! 5. If your words are garbled, this means a. you are using complex vocabulary in your writing b. we don't understand what you are trying to say c. you are making a sound similar to that of a turkey d. you are good at creating marble cakes 6. When you retaliate a. you copy the negative action someone did to you, and do it to them right after b. you are next in line to become the manager of a retail store c. you do not react when someone is unkind to you d. you are about to open your own taekwondo school 7. When someone is told they appear gaunt, it means a. they look similar to their great aunt Emily b. their face is fuller than it was before the holidays c. they may have lost a little too much weight d. they will soon magically disappear into the night 8. If a student's success in school is blatant, this means a. we can see it clearly in the form of good grades and highly-scored tests b. we are not able to tell anything about the quality of their work c. we think they may need to do some extra studying this weekend d. they often get answers on tests from classmates instead of working independently 9. If I have a qualm about attending a party a. I cannot wait to go b. I will be bringing something delicious for dessert c. I am feeling guilty or worried about going d. I am also gloating because I was involved in planning it Where is #10? One vocabulary word is missing; please take a moment to figure out which one that is, and create your own multiple choice question for this particular word. Be ready to share it with a partner and with the class! Writing: Select two of the vocabulary words used above and create a strong opening sentence for an argument essay. Then continue to write an effective paragraph, providing reasons why we should agree with you (or be persuaded). If you would like, you can work with a partner for this activity! Good morning! The following sections make up a nice review of what we have worked on for the past couple of months in class. Work carefully, and as always, enjoy the process!
Part One Idiom of the Day Directions: Please read the following sentence that contains an idiom, which requires us to "figure it out." Use the context clues and reread the sentence for meaning, and list your response in the space below. Sentence: Tory ate healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables, most of the time; however, once in a blue moon, she indulged in a hot fudge sundae for dessert! My thoughts about the idiom above: Part Two Grammar Challenge Directions: Please locate the prepositional phrases in the following sentences. There are examples below (shown in bold print) to remind you that prepositions are generally positional words that often begin phrases that DO NOT contain a verb! Example: I told my friend I would wait by the gate. Example 2: Did you see the bunny in the woods? 1. I bought so many presents for my family. 2. The clock on the wall is not accurate. 3. Put the coffee cups on the table, please. 4. Where is the new blouse I bought at Macy's? 5. The cellphone was a gift my friend gave me for my birthday. Bonus: Can you locate the direct object in question one? Bonus II: Please create three sentences of your own that contain at least one prepositional phrase. Be prepared to share them with a classmate! Your Sentences: 1. 2. 3. Part Three. Literary Term Review Hyperbole To refresh your memory, a hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration we often use when we want to say something is "more" than what it is. For instance, I may say "I am starving to death," when I have not had food in a while, but we know this is not to be taken literally! I simply want to show that I am very hungry! Can you find examples of hyperbole in the sentences below? Be sure to list each one's meaning in the space below each sentence. 1. It will take forever to complete this handout! Hyperbole: Meaning: 2. I have not slept in days. Hyperbole: Meaning: 3. The weather is so cold; I am freezing! Hyperbole: Meaning: 4. After writing all the December prompts, my hand was killing me! Hyperbole: Meaning: Part Four. Writing Please complete the following story starter, remembering to maintain verb tense, use parallel sentence structure, and keep the same point of view throughout. Have fun!! Josh went to work at the gas station at the same time each and every day. His job as a mechanic was something he truly enjoyed; in fact, even as a child, he had loved to take things apart to see how they ran, and then he'd put them back together in even better order! But on this particular day, as Josh drove into the parking lot, he noticed something unusual by the gas pump. Note: New Greek and Latin roots will be included on our next Skills sheet! Directions: Last week, we looked at just a few of the many rules surrounding the use of commas in our writing. Let's see if you can recall some of these rules by selecting true or false to show if the comma (or lack of comma) is used correctly in each sentence below!! 1. I went to the mall and bought jewelry, clothing, and musical items for gifts. True False 2. I love to eat, turkey during the holidays. True False 3. It's fun to have chicken, rice and beans, and carrots for a healthy meal. True False 4. Sal, where are you going? True False 5. Today is December, 9, 2024. True False 6. Have you seen my neighbor's dog, Ginger? True False 7. This is Benny's brother Karl; Benny has other brothers, but Karl is visiting for the holidays. True False 8. She has to buy gifts for Diandra, Tawana and Billy. True False 9. My sister, Joan, is hosting a party this weekend. True False 10. December 20, 2024, is the last day of classes before the break! NOW, please take a moment to FIX the sentences above in which the commas are used incorrectly. Write the edited sentences in the space below. Note: If you would like to review some of the grammar rules regarding commas, click on the link below for a helpful section found on the following website. (Occasionally, we have to visit this section of the site in a roundabout way, since it often says it is restricted for some odd reason! The comma section is found under "English rules," and then by clicking "Punctuation Rules." Commas | Punctuation Rules and Examples During this holiday, in which we remember all the good things in our lives, why not write a thank you letter to a family member, relative, or friend, thanking them for being in your life! This will not only make the recipient very happy, but you will also feel wonderful after you do so. We sometimes forget to show gratitude to the important people in our lives and what they mean to us, and this is the perfect time to let someone special know you appreciate and love them! As an added bonus, if you happen to see these people around your own Thanksgiving table, why not have the letter on hand to actually give to them at some point during the day! A handwritten letter goes a long way these days, since so much is done by text or email, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the reaction you will receive!!
Part Two Idiom of the Day When Julian decided to quit smoking, he did not follow any particular plan; instead, he went cold turkey. Questions to ask yourself:
The Writing Piece: Have you ever stopped doing something cold turkey? It does not have to be a smoking habit; it could be anything that falls under your definition of this idiom! If you have not had this experience, perhaps you know someone else who has! Why not write about their situation instead? Use the space below to write your story! Part Three Thanksgiving Grammar Fun Directions: Please locate the prepositional phrases in the festive sentences that follow! The number in parenthesis that follows tells how many phrases occur in each one! Note: A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition, which is a positional word that leads to a noun or pronoun. It does NOT contain a verb! Example: The class attended the Thanksgiving celebration in a classroom that had been prepared for the students. (Notice there are two prepositional phrases in the sentence above, and each begins with a preposition and, in this case, ends with a noun! 1. We give thanks for our blessings on Thanksgiving. (2) 2. The turkey was filled with delicious stuffing. (1) 3. Do you want some cranberry sauce for your turkey dinner? (1) 4. It can be a lot of fun to watch football games on television with our families. (3--some are tricky!) 5. What time will coffee and desserts be served to our guests? (1) Part Four Writing Directions: Please continue the holiday mystery I have started for you! Please remember to maintain point of view, verb tenses, and parallel sentence structure! It was a blustery autumn Thanksgiving, and all of Cyndi's family and friends were due to arrive soon for the big feast. Cyndi had just put the turkey in the oven, alongside so many other delicious side items, when she heard a loud thud coming from the upstairs hallway. BONUS: How many words can you find in THANKSGIVING DINNER? I will start you off with: drive |
January 2025