Directions: Identify the adverbs in the following sentence, and then tell us what type of adverb each one is. You may refer back to the Skills page for help with this.
1. Tom is waiting impatiently for his tickets. ________________________________________________________ 2. I will be going to Sue's house tomorrow. _______________________________________________________________ 3. I am never going to leave! _________________________________________________________________ 4. I really enjoyed our visit! ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. I thought I saw him standing there! ___________________________________________________________________ 6. I truly believe you! _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. She mixed the ingredients carefully. ___________________________________________________________________ 8. I like this song very much! ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Eddie was so happy with his new car. __________________________________________________________________ 10. We will not spend much time on the computer tomorrow. (Note: There are two adverbs in this sentence!) Now create a few of your own! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
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January 2025