Noun Review Work
Let's try your hand at some exercises on how nouns are used! In the sentences below, please select the correct answer. You may list your answers in the "Comments" section of this page, remembering, as always, to type in your name every time. Directions: Each noun is shown in bold print. Your job is to decide how it is being used in each sentence below by selecting either adjective, noun, or verb. 1. The book club was meeting for the first time in months! (adjective, noun, verb) 2. Did you borrow that book from the library? (adjective, noun, verb) 3. When can we book a flight to California? (adjective, noun, verb) 4. This lamp provides a lot of light in this room. (adjective, noun, verb) 5. Will you light the candle, please? (adjective, noun, verb) 6. This is a light load of laundry and can be carried easily. (adjective, noun, verb) 7. We have had our kitchen table for many years. (adjective, noun, verb) 8. Have you ever played table tennis? (adjective, noun, verb) 9. The speaker will table the subject until further notice! (adjective, noun, verb) 10. Grammar is fun! (adjective, noun, verb) 11. How well did you do in the above grammar lesson? (adjective, noun, verb) BONUS: Can you think of a word that can be used as three different parts of speech? Include it in your answers below!
Yes, I had to use a blackboard if I wanted to truly call this website ""
Please note that our Root of the Week activities will continue. In this case, please use the "Comments" section to list any words you can brainstorm that use the "bene" root. If "bene" is a good thing, can you figure out the meaning of your words? |
September 2024