(I thought we would start with a writing piece this week, since there is so much to say about Juneteenth!) Directions: Take some time to research the background and history of Juneteenth. You may use mass.pbslearningmedia.org, in which you will find a short video regarding the significance of Juneteenth as one resource. Others include Juneteenth Digital Toolkit | National Museum of African American History and Culture (si.edu), What Is Juneteenth? | HISTORY, or "juneteenth" Search Results | PBS, all of which can be accessed directly from this page by clicking on the titles that are underlined ( called hyperlinks because they come alive when you click them!) AND clicking on the title that appears under it! Directions--Part Two: After you have read about the history and importance of Juneteenth, you may:
Please put your final copy in the box on our Writing Page, being sure to send your exact email address so that I can respond to you! I recently received a document that did not have the correct email for the student who wrote it; I was then unable to respond to her writing (so please double check that you have entered your email correctly). If you do not hear from me within a day or two tops, it may be that you have made an error on your email and will need to submit it again! I look forward to seeing your latest piece of writing!! Sentence Structure: Directions: Here is an assignment that is a little different from what we have done in the past, but I know you will enjoy it! Please read the following sentences, and then CHANGE one word in each sentence with its synonym (a word that has the same definition). Remember that you should not change the meaning of the sentence; we are only looking for you to use a variety of vocabulary words to say the same thing!). Example: Jenna loves seeing her friends. Your Sentence Could Be: Jenna adores visiting her friends. (The verb was replaced.) Or: Jenna loves visiting her friends. (A gerund, which is a verb used as a noun/direct object, was replaced.) Or: Jenna loves seeing her pals. (A noun was replaced.) You only need to replace one word in each sentence below but if you wish to do more, please do so!! :) Your Turn: 1. Tom enjoys playing basketball . 2. Deshaun is a wonderful athlete. 3. Tami reads two books every week. 4. Sydney watched an interesting movie on TV last night. 5. Juneteenth is an important holiday that represents freedom and acknowledgment of civil rights. 6. June is such a lovely month of the year; many brides choose this month for their weddings! 7. Have you ever visited a more beautiful place? 8.Do you use your car all the time, or do you sometimes walk to your destinations? 9. Playing sports is such good exercise! 10. In a few days, it will truly be summer, and the weather will become warmer. (Note: Be sure to send me the title of your assignment--in this case, it would be Summer Skills--June 19, 2023--when you write your answers in the Writing box!!) Grammar Review: Directions: Please select the nouns only in the sentences below!! There could be more than one in each sentence. 1. Have you selected the next class you will take? 2. I don't know which type of ice cream I will select! 3. The gym was filled with lots of children who enjoyed playing games. 4. There were so many good movies that I decided I would see a new one every week! 5. Somerville is a city filled with lots of creative arts and great students! Story Starter: Finish this story!! Use parallel sentence structure throughout, but as always, enjoy the process!! The sky was gray, with thunderstorms predicted for the entire afternoon. Salvy wondered if he would be able to finish his latest job painting houses in the area. He had just decided he would at least start the process when he heard a strange noise coming from below his back porch. ____________________________________________________________________________ .__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: You can send this assignment to me, as well. I always draw the lines when we are in class so that I can photocopy it for you, too! Have a great day!!
We will start off our summer work with some review exercises! A writing activity will follow. Please feel free to send answers from this post on the Writing Page. Be sure to list the date or title of the page you are working on. For instance, today's page is "Summer Skills-June 15, 2023." This will ensure I know exactly what you are doing!
Part One Directions: Please select the correct answer from within the parentheses. 1. The summer months seem to go by so (quick, quickly). 2. Please hand those papers to my classmates and (I, me). 3. The place mats on the table (is, are) brand new. 4. We (will visit, have visited) Barnes and Noble on Friday to search for new books to read! 5. Did you (hear, heard) the latest story about the bear that was seen in Arlington? 6. Tom and (I, me) spent the day cleaning out the garage. 7. Do you know where Sara and Jen (go, went) last Saturday night? 8. The trees by the brook (is, are) have leaves that are a rich red hue. 9. She (will continue, has continued) to study at SCALE in the fall. 10. I wish you a summer filled lots of great books (to read, have read). Part Two Directions: Fact or Opinion? 1. The man wore a brown suit to the event. (Fact, Opinion) 2. The brown suit looked great on him. (Fact, Opinion) 3. It made him seem more mature. (Fact, Opinion) 4. The event was lots of fun. (Fact, Opinion) 5. It was held in the streets of Boston. (Fact, Opinion) 6. Many of my relatives once lived there. (Fact, Opinion) 7. Boston restaurants are the best in MA. (Fact, Opinion) 8. There are many bakeries in the city. (Fact, Opinion) 9. The banana cream is everyone's favorite. (Fact, Opinion) 10. One bakery sold ten pies in one hour. (Fact, Opinion) Part Three Sequencing Directions: Please put the following sentences in logical order. a. Tim decided from that point on he would never buy shoes online again. b. The shoes arrived in a beautiful box. c. Tim then realized he needed to buy new shoes right away. d. Last week, Tim received an invitation to a friend's wedding. e. He looked in his closet and could not find proper shoes to wear. f. He went onto a popular online website and ordered a pair of shoed. g. But when he opened the box, Tim saw that they looked nothing like the photo he had seen. h. For one thing, they were too large. i. Tim returned the shoes and went into an actual store where he found the perfect pair. j. They also did not fit him in any way and were the wrong color. Part Four Writing Directions: Use the following words to create a story of your choice! It can be written in any style and be any length you wish. Have fun!! Mary Silver Lake envelope sand bracelet Part Five What book are you currently reading? ______________________________________________________________________ (If you can't answer this question, please visit your nearest library or bookstore!!) Part One.
Directions: Please select the correct word in the following sentences. 1. The word "won't" is actually made up of (was not, will not). 2. I would love it if you came to the movies, (to, two, too). 3. There are (to, two, too) candles on the baby's cake. 4. Let's make plans to go (to, two, too) the library after school today. 5. That woman is (their, there, they're) mother. 6. Please place the food over (their, there, they're). 7. (Their, There, They're) having a party in class tomorrow! 8. (Its, It's) nice of you to come to class on time. 9. The chair was on (its, it's) side because of a broken leg. 10. I did not realize that student was part of (hour, our) class. 11. On what number of the clock is the (hour, our) hand? 12. (Lay, Lie) down if you are not feeling well. 13. (Lay, Lie) the book on the table before leaving the room. 14. He was (lying, laying) down all day because he was so tired. 15. She was (lying, laying) the tablecloth on the picnic table when it began to rain. 16. He had (laid, lain) all the desserts out before the students entered the room. 17. She has (laid, lain) on the couch from the moment she got home last night. 18. It's a good idea not to tell a (lie, lay). 19. (Your, You're) a wonderful class! 20. (Your, You're) work is always great! Part Two. Directions: Underline the appositive in the sentences below. Example: My dad, a wonderful man who served in World War II, loved his country. (Note: The appositive can be removed from the sentence without changing the meaning, but it is used to add more detail and expand your sentence. In addition, the appositive could take the place of the subject in the sentence and still make sense, such as "A wonderful man who served in World War II loved his country.") Note: The subject of the above sentence is the word "dad." 1. Maine, a state known for its lobsters and blueberries, is a favorite vacation spot. 2. I love visiting Cape Cod, a place with sandy beaches and salty air. 3. John, a barber from Boston, will be in town to demonstrate hair cutting. 4. Sue, my neighbor next door, will be over for a cup of coffee later today. 5. Have you noticed the car, a black Mustang, in the parking lot? Now add appositives to the following sentences. Remember that you can choose which noun you will rename! 6. Simon won the race at the Boston Marathon. 7. Shaun was happy he had graduated form SCALE. 8. The book was her favorite. 9. Mya loved that movie! 10. Their house was remodeled last year. Part Three. Writing Directions: Use any one of the sentences in Part Two (from 1 - 10) as the opening sentence to a short story. Remember to keep your sentences parallel, maintain your verb tenses, and decide on the point of view you will use! Write it in the space below and use the back of this paper if you need more room. You could also opt to write it in your notebook and print the finished copy below! Part Four. Writing. Directions: Use the following sentence as the opening of a persuasive paragraph. Remember to write at least three good supporting details that prove your topic sentence is the best viewpoint! Also, remember to brainstorm a few different openings--one of them could then become your closing sentence! Taking a summer vacation can be a good break from the routine of everyday life. Part Five. Phrases. Directions: Circle the prepositional phrases in the sentences below. Example: The boys could not wait to go into the stadium for the game. In the above example, there are two prepositional phrases: "into the stadium" and "for the game." 1. She completed the test in time. 2. The door opened into the classroom. 3. There were no more pencils in the jar. 4. At the beach, she found some seashells. 5. On the board, they saw the class agenda. Now add phrases to the following sentences using one of the following prepositions to start: in, outside, at, by, on, to, for, from, of, below, under, with Example: The children were walking to school. Example: There were many insects outside the car. Special Note: Phrases do NOT contain verbs! 6. We were standing in line a long time ________________________________________________. 7. I did not notice her ________________________________________. 8. Were you waiting ________________________________________________? 9. The students were _________________________________. 10. Are you voting _________________________________________________? Next, create your own sentences that contain prepositional phrases using the prepositions in bold print above. Create at least five effective sentences in the space below. Part Six. Anecdote. Directions: Write a short story/anecdote about one of the following situations:
Use the space below! Part Seven. Visual Literacy If you finish the above exercises, please take out your green visual literacy booklets, and continue working on them at your own pace. It would be great if you could look at the section on the timeline and answer all corresponding questions on this subject. Remember that the answers are provided in the back pages, but do not peek until all your work is complete! Good Luck! Part Seven. Writing. Use one of the topics below to write an expository piece that provides information to the person who reads it. It should not include your opinion; it should just be one or two paragraphs filled with facts.
Please remember to try to attend graduation exercises for the students who passed every HiSET at SCALE! We are so excited about the progress everyone has made this year, and while for some, it may mean passing every test, for others it means adding more skills in every area as well as a greater ability to communicate on different levels. At any rate, I am proud of all of you, and I view each one of you as the success that you most definitely are!
Our lessons this week will be an abundance of review work, some extra prep in Social Studies and Visual Literacy, and, of course, additional challenges in writing!! For Tuesday, June 6, 2023: Let's take some time to visit the computer room today and try the following website for great test practice: Free HiSET Practice Tests [2023] | 15+ Exams | Test-Guide You will find an abundance of practice tests as you scroll down the screen for all subject areas. Try them out! Note: We can also work on Chromebooks in the classroom, if the computer room is taken! Next, let's try the following review to see how what you remember from these past few months: Part One: Please select the correct word to show subject and verb agreement. Remember to remove any phrases when you are deciding the correct verb form! 1. The children in the nearby houses (play, plays) in Simon's backyard on Thursdays. 2. (Don't, Doesn't) it seem as though the past few months have flown by? 3. The houses on Crystal Lake (was, were) rented out during the summer. 4. (Have, Has) you ever noticed how early the sun is rising these days? 5. The students in the marching band (march, marches) in the Fourth of July parade each year. 6. (Do, Does) you play any instruments? 7. Tommy and DeShaun (has, have) great skills in football. 8. The president, who is head of both companies, (know, knows) what a great team of people he has working for him. 9. (Do, Does) Tamara use public transportation in the morning? 10. How many cookies (do, did) Andrew eat when he got home last night? Part Two: Please select one topic and write a quick persuasive paragraph about it. Remember to create two good opening sentences because one of them could be used as your closing (in case you get stuck!). Remember that your details should support your opinion, and in this case, you CAN use first person point of view (which uses I, me, my, our, ours, us). 1. The importance of a good breakfast in the morning 2. Why having a pet can be relaxing 3. How essential a good night's sleep is 4. Why you should continue reading and writing during the summer months, even when school is on break 5. How important it is to exercise at least three times a week 6. Which is better--tea or coffee--and why 7. A topic of your choice Part Three: Editing: Please edit this paragraph, which has at least twelve mistakes that include spelling, capitalization, word usage problems, and more. Candi looked forward to spending the summer with her ant and uncle in New hampshire. She had did this every year since she was 4 years old, and she hoped it wood never end. This year, Candi was bring her closest friend Ava with her for compny. She new this would be especially fun wen they swim in the lake or took a drive to the arcades. Candi wondered how much cloth she should bring, since last Juli she had not packed enough. This would truely be a summer to remember? Part Four: Literary Terms and More: Directions: Use the word bank to fill in the blanks below. Not every word is used this time! alliteration onomatopoeia idiom metaphor point of view personification hyperbole roots simile epiphany foreshadowing protagonist desert its irony antagonist dessert it's 1. ____________________________ a beautiful day today! 2." Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" is an example of _____________________________________. 3. The table, especially ___________________________ legs, were in need of immediate repair. 4. When you drop a clue in the beginning chapters of a book for something that is to occur later, you are using _______________________________________________. 5. The use of "pop" or "fizz" is an example of _________________________________________________. 6. If Tanika says she is so hungry she could eat a horse, she is using _____________________________. 7. It can be very hot and dry in the Sahara _________________________________. 8. Some people like to eat _________________________________________ before their meals. 9. Pete had a sudden flash of understanding that he had been making bad choices all along; he had an _____________________________________________________. 10. The "chair sighed" under his weight is an example of using ____________________________________. Part Five: Anecdote Writing Write an anecdote about one of the following situations. Because we are practicing our writing, the anecdote can be made up! Try for two paragraphs or more! a. A cashier accidentally gives a customer too much money back in change. b. A mechanic at a gas station makes the wrong repair on a client's car. c. A little league baseball player, who plays on two different teams, wears the wrong uniform to the game. d. A person wins two tickets to a concert, but when she gets there, her seats are taken by other people. Part Six: Creative Writing/Opinion Piece Write about one of the best times of your life. Why was it so special? Did it involve a friend or relative? How long ago did this take place? Is this likely to ever happen again? Include the setting and make your writing pop by using any of your five senses (hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, smelling) to tell your story! |
January 2025