The following instructions will give you an overview of some activities you can complete: 1) Please carefully read my message on the Summer page of this website! Use a notebook to brainstorm ideas about what I would like you to try! 2) Next, go to the Writing page and enjoy a fun assignment listed there! Please remember to follow directions in submitting your work to me. Every once in a while, I will receive an assignment that does not have a student's name OR I will discover that a student forgot to press the Submit button (resulting in my never getting their work). 3) Finally, read something you enjoy, and write your reaction to the story in a notebook. In this case, I am looking for exactly what you liked or did not like about the story, the characters, the setting, and more. Did you agree with what the characters did or how they handled the problem/conflict? What would you have done differently? Are you happy with how it ended? Have fun with this activity!! You can feel free to repeat this activity every time you read! 4) Continue to READ often. Find a book you enjoy, and try to establish a specific time to read every single day. This is one of the most important things you can do as an independent learner! And if you do not like the book you have chosen, simply find another one that you do!! There are too many wonderful books in the world; don't waste your time trying to read one that does not speak to you!!
January 2025