1. Idiom of the Day:
I wanted to believe that Shaun had nothing to do with a problem at work, but it takes two to tango! In solving the above idiom, it would be helpful to know what a "tango" is! If you are not sure, please use your dictionary (or dictionary.com) to find out! Use the clues in the sentence (such as the conjunction but) to make sense of this statement! Create another sentence using this idiom, and write it in your notebooks. 2. Second Idiom of the Day: Devon works as a mechanic just as his father does; it's true--the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! 3. Grammar Review: Directions: Let's look at appositives, clauses, and phrases in the sentences below. Are you able to identify each one? Review your notes if you need help in understanding the differences among them! Good luck! a. Saul, our mail carrier, is always on time. _____________________________________________ b. My puppy was rescued from a shelter. ________________________________________________ c. Hawaii, our 50th state, is quite beautiful. _____________________________________________ d. We can work on this Grammar Review now, but we need to prepare our final copies of our essays, as well. ___________________________________________________________________________________ e. When we study hard, it makes a positive difference in our grades. _________________________ f. Have you ever visited the town of Dennis? _____________________________________________ g. SCALE, the Somerville Center for Adult Learning Experiences, is a great title for our school!______________________________________________________________________________ g. I went shopping all day, yet I was not tired. ____________________________________________ h. If you decide to go to the concert tomorrow, please give me a call! __________________________________ NOW... let's look back to the sentences above, and find the following: i. a proper noun _______________________________________________________________________ j. a pronoun __________________________________________________________________________ k. a verb of action _____________________________________________________________________ l. a verb of being ______________________________________________________________________ m. an adjective ________________________________________________________________________ n. an adverb of place ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Literary Devices--Alliteration Review Directions: Please find examples of alliteration in each sentence below. a. Bobby bought burritos for both boys. b. Do you happen to have a hand sanitizer handy? c. Did Dad buy the daily newspaper? d. Wow! What a wonderful story you wrote! (Note: Careful on this one!) 5. Greek/Latin Roots: Root: hydr- Origin: Greek Meaning: water Examples: hydrate, dehydrate/dehydration, hydrant, hydrogen, hydroplane Sample Sentences: a. To stay hydrated all day, be sure to drink plenty of water! b. If you get too hot or have worked out without drinking enough fluids, you could become dehydrated. c. The fire fighters arrived at the house quickly and immediately hooked their hoses to the nearby hydrant. d. Water is made up of one part of the element hydrogen and two parts of the element oxygen. e. A hydroplane is a motorboat the skims the surface of the water. (Note: Another sentence could be: If you are driving on a slick surface, you need to go slowly or your car could hydroplane.) 6. Fact or Opinion? Directions: Identify whether each sentence that follows is a fact or an opinion. a. Tammy is the best! b. Because statistics showed that this movie sold the most tickets on opening night, the movie broke an attendance record. c. That is so nice of you to say! d. Your paper is filled with facts that support your main topic. e. I enjoyed reading your paper because it was so humorous! f. I checked all my other novels, and the book I am currently reading has the least amount of pages than any I have read in the past three months. g. Ice cream is delicious! h. This class is the best!!
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