Here is the template I spoke to you about in class. I will also give you the hard copy when we meet next because it is much easier to read! But I know this outline will provide you with the structure you need to create a great essay!! Enjoy!!!
Template for Persuasive Writing Here are some guidelines for creating a persuasive essay. Remember that in this type of writing, your opinion is what matters, and it is to be stated as though it were a fact! Also, keep in mind that every type of writing includes some sort of persuasion; after all, we want whoever reads our words to agree with them (or, at the very least, understand our point of view!). So let’s begin! The essay I am beginning to write will inform the reader that texting while driving is hazardous and should not be allowed. Here are some possible opening sentences. As you can see, there are many ways to say the same thing. This is one way your knowledge of paraphrasing will help you as you make good choices! Opening Sentence: People should not text while driving. Opening Sentence: Texting while driving is hazardous and should not be allowed. Opening Sentence: Using a cellphone to text when your eyes should be on the road is dangerous and should be banned. All three sentences are fine, but as you can see, a few words have been added to each one that further strengthens that initial point of view. These are just possibilities; you are always free to create your own! Next, provide three reasons (or more!) expressing why your topic sentence should be believed! These reasons also provide support or demonstrate evidence. They serve as the proof you are using to explain why your idea is the right one. Possibilities include: 1. Taking your eyes off the road for even one second could result in a serious car accident. 2. Pedestrians might be crossing the street at just that moment, and you would be putting their lives in grave danger. 3. You could miss seeing flashing red lights, which signal that an ambulance is silently approaching, and you would not be able to pull over in time. (Note: When selecting three sentences such as the above, always ask yourself if each of these sentences is strong enough to later include details of its own!) Since the form of this text will be a five-paragraph essay, we will be using three supporting sentences, such as the ones above, with the understanding that each one will become a paragraph of its own. In this way, we will end up with an opening paragraph, three (body) paragraphs that flow from details found in the opening, and a closing paragraph that reiterates your topic sentence just enough to remind readers what you believe in AND leaves them with a comment they will remember! Page Two Now, let’s create a closing sentence that refers to your topic sentence AND makes a comment that will allow your reader to become interested in what you will say next! Closing Sentence: Texting while driving can put many lives at risk needlessly and needs to be stopped immediately. Now let’s put it all together. Here is your finished opening paragraph: Texting while driving is hazardous and should not be allowed. Taking your eyes off the road for even one second could result in a serious car accident. Pedestrians might be crossing the street at just that moment, and you would be putting their lives in grave danger. You could also miss seeing flashing red lights, which signal that an ambulance is silently approaching, and you would not be able to pull over in time. Texting while driving puts many lives at risk needlessly and needs to be stopped immediately. You have now completed 20% of your essay!! Our next step would be to take the first of your three supporting sentences and paraphrase it!! Here’s how you could do that. First supporting detail: Taking your eyes off the road for even one second could result in a serious car accident. When we paraphrase, we just say the same thing using other words! Our new paraphrased sentence could be: Many accidents occur when people are not paying attention while driving. Which words have been changed? ● “Result” has become “occur.” ● “Taking your eyes off the road” has become "not paying attention while driving” The sentence has been flipped around a bit, but it is still stating the same message! Page Three Now let’s add some interesting details to this new topic sentence. Possible details: 1. Using a cellphone to text while on the road requires looking down at your device. 2. This could be the exact moment when a car veers into your lane; you could hit this car unnecessarily. 3. Traffic could also suddenly stop, causing you to slam into the car in front of you. Your closing could be: Wait until you are safely parked for all communication purposes; it is unfair to other drivers on the road to be hurt in an accident you could have easily avoided. Now let’s look at our two paragraphs in order (so far!): Texting while driving is hazardous and should not be allowed. Taking your eyes off the road for even one second could result in a serious car accident. Pedestrians might be crossing the street at just that moment, and you would be putting their lives in grave danger. You could also miss seeing flashing red lights, which signal that an ambulance is silently approaching, and you would not be able to pull over in time. Texting while driving puts many lives at risk needlessly and needs to be stopped immediately. Many accidents occur when people are not paying attention while driving. Using a cellphone to text while on the road requires looking down at your device. This could be the exact moment when a car veers into your lane; you could hit this car unnecessarily. Traffic could also suddenly stop, causing you to slam into the car in front of you. Wait until you are safely parked for all communication purposes; it is unfair to other drivers on the road to be hurt in an accident you could have easily avoided. Page Four Our next task is to create a third paragraph. But guess what? The procedure is exactly the same as it was for paragraph two. We will take the second “reason” or “piece of evidence” from our opening paragraph, and we will paraphrase it! Here is your third sentence: Pedestrians might be crossing the street at just that moment, and you would be putting their lives in grave danger. Let’s say it in a different way! Example: Pedestrians and bike riders, including motorcyclists, are at greater risk of injury if you text rather than drive carefully. Words in bold print above are the words we kept the same. In this case, we only kept one of them! We then decided to add more information to the sentence than we already had. We added bike riders and motorcyclists to our list of people who could be hurt, and we then mentioned they would be at risk of injury. Now that this sentence has become the new topic sentence in a paragraph all its own, we need to create three reasons to persuade the reader why this new idea should be heeded! Here are some possible examples: 1. People crossing streets have no protection if you look away from the road and hit them. 2. This could result in a serious injury that could ruin a person’s life forever, extending to the lives of family members and friends. 3. A motorcyclist, even while wearing a helmet, is particularly vulnerable to being harmed by your car, which is a much larger vehicle than his own. A closing sentence could then be: Putting others in danger should be reason enough to make you put down your device and concentrate on driving safely. The new (third paragraph) would be: Pedestrians and bike riders, including motorcyclists, are at greater risk of injury if you text rather than drive carefully. People crossing streets have no protection if you look away from the road and hit them. This could result in a serious injury that could ruin a person’s life forever, extending to the lives of family members and friends. A motorcyclist, even while wearing a helmet, is particularly vulnerable to being harmed by your car, which is a much larger vehicle than his own. Putting others in danger should be reason enough to make you put down your device and concentrate on driving safely. Page Five We are now ready for paragraph four, which again follows the same procedure. Let’s see what our third detail in our opening paragraph is. Third detail: You could also miss seeing flashing red lights, which signal that an ambulance is silently approaching, and you would not be able to pull over in time. Before we paraphrase, or reword this sentence, it’s important to note that it does not sound like an effective opening statement for a new paragraph. It works fine as a detail, but certain keywords, such as the word also, as well as the fact that the sentence begins with the word you do not make it as firm as you want it to be. Remember: Each opening sentence in a persuasive essay should make a strong statement. So let’s change the sentence just a bit more to this: Ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks must be able to rely on your awareness that they are approaching in order to do their jobs effectively. Do you see how this is stronger than our current third detail? Now let’s prove this is true with three new reasons: 1. Emergency vehicles always have the “right of way,” and their drivers expect you to yield to them while you are on the road. 2. Often, a patient is quickly being transported to the hospital for treatment of a severe injury, and every moment matters. 3. Sometimes sirens are not used, and drivers need to be alert to red flashing lights that signal their approach. Next, let’s close it up: Possible Closing Sentence: In order for emergency vehicles to reach their destination swiftly and safely, their drivers rely on you to obey traffic laws; this in turn allows them to help people and save lives. Our fourth paragraph would then be: Ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks must be able to rely on your awareness that they are approaching in order to do their jobs effectively. Emergency vehicles always have the “right of way,” and their drivers expect you to yield to them while you are on the road. Often, a patient is quickly being transported to the hospital for treatment of a severe injury, and every moment matters. Sometimes sirens are not used, and drivers need to be alert to red flashing lights that signal their approach. In order for emergency vehicles to reach their destination swiftly and safely, their drivers rely on you to obey traffic laws; this in turn allows them to help people and save lives. Page Six We are now ready for our closing paragraph, one that must have the most impact because it is the part of your essay your reader will remember most! Our final paragraph: This paragraph is going to take all the main ideas from every paragraph you wrote (and everything you thought about while you were writing), and form one clear, concise, and effective final reflection! One example could be: Gazing at a cellphone while driving could result in an unfortunate situation that impacts many innocent lives. The operation of a motor vehicle is a privilege that should not be taken lightly; drivers need to be aware of the seriousness of this privilege by obeying traffic laws at all times. Distraction-free driving allows the operator to take responsibility for his actions while also showing respect for others who share the road with him. Putting the cellphone down and concentrating on the task at hand is an important first step in reducing accidents while increasing the odds of a smoother, safer ride for all. You have now completed 100% of the essay! On the next page, you will see the entire essay presented the way it should look when it is in final form. Please keep in mind that this is only a sample; there are many ways to approach a subject, and everyone brings their background knowledge to a piece of writing. There are other ideas and reasons that could have been added and would have worked just as well, as long as each one had as much support as you can see in this essay. One more thing… The page that follows the essay contains more ideas for other persuasive writing pieces. If you are not happy with what you are currently working on, or if you simply wish to write another essay, you can take any of the ideas provided, and make it your own. You can also change the prompt to fit something you would like to write about! The possibilities are endless! I hope you will work on this essay until I see our morning class on Thursday morning! I will go over this with the PM class on Monday night! As always, enjoy the process!! Page Seven Final Essay Texting while driving is hazardous and should not be allowed. Taking your eyes off the road for even one second could result in a serious car accident. Pedestrians might be crossing the street at just that moment, and you would be putting their lives in grave danger. You could also miss seeing flashing red lights, which signal that an ambulance is silently approaching, and you would not be able to pull over in time. Texting while driving puts many lives at risk needlessly and needs to be stopped immediately. Many accidents occur when people are not paying attention while driving. Using a cellphone to text while on the road requires looking down at your device. This could be the exact moment when a car veers into your lane; you could hit this car unnecessarily. Traffic could also suddenly stop, causing you to slam into the car in front of you. Wait until you are safely parked for all communication purposes; it is unfair to other drivers on the road to be hurt in an accident you could have easily avoided. Pedestrians and bike riders, including motorcyclists, are at greater risk of injury if you text rather than drive carefully. People crossing streets have no protection if you look away from the road and hit them. This could result in a serious injury that could ruin a person’s life forever, extending to the lives of family members and friends. A motorcyclist, even while wearing a helmet, is particularly vulnerable to being harmed by your car, which is a much larger vehicle than his own. Putting others in danger should be reason enough to make you put down your device and concentrate on driving safely. Ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks must be able to rely on your awareness that they are approaching in order to do their jobs effectively. Emergency vehicles always have the “right of way,” and their drivers expect you to yield to them while you are on the road. Often, a patient is quickly being transported to the hospital for treatment of a severe injury, and every moment matters. Sometimes sirens are not used, and drivers need to be alert to red flashing lights that signal their approach. In order for emergency vehicles to reach their destination swiftly and safely, their drivers rely on you to obey traffic laws; this in turn allows them to help people and save lives. Gazing at a cellphone while driving could result in an unfortunate situation that impacts many innocent lives. The operation of a motor vehicle is a privilege that should not be taken lightly; drivers need to be aware of the seriousness of this privilege by obeying traffic laws at all times. Distraction-free driving allows the operator to take responsibility for his actions while also showing respect for others who share the road with him. Putting the cellphone down and concentrating on the task at hand is an important first step in reducing accidents while increasing the odds of a smoother, safer ride for all. Page Eight Ideas for More Persuasive Writing! 1. The government should regulate prices on pharmaceutical drugs. 2. Social media is making us less social! 3. Social media is an unwanted invasion of our privacy. 4. Parents should monitor their children’s social media accounts at all times. 5. Colleges should pay student athletes! 6. College education should be free for all! 7. Watching video games can improve problem-solving skills. 8. Companies should implement a four-day work week. 9. School days should start later for all students. 10. Comfortable seating arrangements in classrooms would allow for higher concentration. 11. Movie ratings cannot be trusted to take the place of parental opinions. 12. A universal language should be adopted worldwide! Note: These are only suggestions; you are always free to turn them around or change them in any way you would like! These ideas could also serve as a springboard for you to think of other topics you feel strongly about; the sky’s the limit!
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