1. Idiom of the Day:
Daniel wished he hadn't broken the vase (because now he had to replace it), but that's the way the cookie crumbles. 2. Idiom of the Day #2: Sally and Tamika had been friends for a long time, but recently, they had an argument. Sally reached out to Tamika several times to try and speak to her, but Tamika refused to answer. Sally then texted Tamika, "I really want to talk to you, but this is the last time I'm going to try. The ball is now in your court." 3. Grammar Challenge: Can you add an adverb to each of the sentences below? a. Bobby walked down the hallway _____________________. (adverb of manner) b. Franny bought some gifts_____________ and wrapped them all_____________________. (adverb of manner or time) c. I will see you_________________. (adverb of time) d. Tomas said he drove _________________(one adverb of place). e. I will _____________________ watch that movie again. (adverb of negation) f. Sydney _________________ loves shopping; she goes to the mall four times a week! (adverb of affirmation) 4. Appositive Review: Can you add an appositive to the following sentences? Example: Rocco is my friend. Example with appositive: Rocco, a young man from Naples, Italy, is my friend. a. Have you ever wanted to visit Alaska? b. Did you notice that the car needed to be repaired? c. Scott's children were visiting from Ireland. f. Her sister decided to visit during the break. 5. Clause Review: Can you add a clause to each of the following sentences? a. The store was out of shopping carts. b. Mandi did not like to be in the sun too long. c. Jillian loved the beach. d. My phone was not ringing when calls came in. 6. Literary Device: Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is the use of a word that sounds like what is being described. Examples: Swish! Crack! Meow! Zap! Hiss! Fizz! In fact, if you have read comics/comic books, you will notice many words used on their pages would fall under this category! But these are not the only places you would find onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia can be found in all types of writing; poetry, for example, may include onomatopoeia to indicate sound. 7. Greek Root of the Day: Root: anti- Meaning: against Examples: antibacterial, antidote, antisocial Sentences: She used antibacterial hand soap so that she would not catch an illness. The antidote for the snakebite was provided at the hospital. Being quiet at parties can sometimes seem like antisocial behavior, but often the person is just very shy! 8. Here is a list of more topics for your persuasive essays! At this point, you should have several essays in your folder and can choose from any of them to revise into final form. If you are not completely finished at this point, please select a new topic right now, and begin a new draft. You will have time during the second half of class today to go over any edits and revisions with me, but a final copy must be in your folder by Friday. A new unit of writing, which I think you will enjoy, will begin right after vacation! Possible Topics for your Persuasive Essay: a. Should elementary schools have dress codes? b. Are there any traffic signs or rules and regulations you would change? c. Is there a special tradition you take part in that you think everyone would find enjoyable? d. Is there a change to public transportation you feel should be made? e. Should all high schools or colleges accept every student, regardless of their test scores? f. Is being a vegan/vegetarian a healthful option? g. Is it better to use a pen or to use a keyboard while you are writing creatively? Remember--the above sentences are only topics. This means you can turn them into topic sentences by deciding what you believe about these questions. Your answer (statement) then becomes the main idea you want others to agree with! Your three body paragraphs will provide the three most important reasons or evidence that will back up your topic sentence. The stronger the reasons you give, the stronger your topic sentence will be. In the end, you want your reader to be persuaded by the effectiveness of your writing! At best, you want your reader to agree with you; at the very least, you want them to understand your point of view and why you think the way you do! Either way, you have a good chance of winning someone over, and that is, of course, the point of all persuasive writing!
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January 2025