Good Evening, Everyone!
I hope you are all as excited as I am to be back in class--even if we are seeing each other on a computer screen instead of across our cozy classroom! We can still have the same type of instruction, the same lively discussions, and the same objective of my helping you reach every goal you have set for yourself this year. The only difference will be this screen, but I know that after a while, we will not even consider it a barrier at all! We are all here to learn, and this is truly all that matters. The road we take may be different, but the destination most definitely will remain the same! In order for things to run as smoothly as possible, I have put some guidelines in place that will allow me to teach you effectively while you can still ask the questions that will allow learning to take place. This means that first and foremost, we will all try to be on time for class every night (and for those of you who are new to SCALE, this means Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m.). I know, of course, that situations can arise with family or work, but it is important that these situations are the exception rather than the rule. If you are sick or must miss class because of an emergency, this website will become a valuable tool for you to easily find and complete the material you missed. This rule also applies to class time missed on evenings when you have to leave our session early--classwork worked on after that time will still be your responsibility to finish before we meet again. But it will be much easier for you to stay on track because everything you need will be right here! While we are in class, it is important for everyone to be focused on the material we are covering. This means that no other electronic devices should be used while school is in session. Breaks from the screen will be given from time to time, and you will be able to do what you'd like during that time. As soon as we are back on screen in class, however, all devices will need to be put away again. This is designed to help you learn without distractions, as well as to ensure you are being respectful to your classmates and to your teacher (me!). We also have to be careful not to speak over each other while answering a question or making a comment. (If you are using earbuds, you will soon understand just how loud this can be!) Instead, please raise your hand and wait for me to call your name before speaking. This is again a matter of respect to both your peers and to me, and it allows everyone to comfortably express themselves. We must also agree to be polite, even if we disagree with another student's answer or if a point of view differs from our own. Opinions are always respected because we respect the person who is making a statement--this is part of the classroom family we are actually building beginning tonight. (And please keep in mind--I reserve the right to mute you all at any time, so please remember to behave:):)) I am so happy to be your teacher, to do everything in my power to help you reach your dreams, and to guide you during this unique time in your lives. It is my hope it will be a journey filled with discovery, understanding, learning, and lots of laughs and joy along the way. I am proud to be your teacher, and you have my promise I will do all I can to help you succeed! Let the 2020-2021 school year begin! Love, Maria Bakopolus
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January 2025